is a place where you can find information about when to plant your garden. We offer information about when you can plant different types of vegetables, herbs, and flowers based on the USDA zone that you live in.
On you will find information about the plants you want to put in your garden as well as helpful guides about gardening. We also offer tips on how to plant seeds and starts in your garden or greenhouse. You will also find articles about indoor gardening during the winter months.
So if you are looking for information about when to plant your garden, then you have come to the right place.
To find out when you can plant, first, go to the zone section of our site, choose your USDA zone, then choose a plant from our list. You will then see information about the best times to plant in your area.
Our Story
We have been gardening in various locations in the pacific northwest for over 30 years. Over those years we have created dozens of gardens in many different microclimates. Each garden presented its own set of unique problems ranging from weeds to pests, to weather, and even soil conditions. Something we learned through all of this, is that the older a garden is... the easier it is to maintain. There is nothing more difficult than a first-year garden.
This site was conceived after we realized just how significant of an effect microclimates have on a garden's success or failure. An elevation change of as little as 500 feet can be a significant factor that affects the temperature of the garden. Zone information tells you about the lowest expected temperature and the date of last frost. Temperature changes like daytime temperature vs night-time temperature can be different for two gardens in the same zone, so keep that in mind. Once you realize which zone your garden is in, the zone info can provide an excellent starting point for planning your garden.
Before starting this site when our friends asked us questions about when to plant certain crops, we always referred to our stacks of gardening books. It was difficult to track down a thorough and accurate reference for when to plant each plant. We decided to create a site that would provide this information in an easy-to-use format. We hope that you enjoy our site and find as much success in your garden as our friends have.
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