Bring a little magic to your garden with a fairy garden. These miniature gardens are a fun way to add a little character to your outdoor space. They are a way to use your creative side and they are a great interactive project for kids.

Fairy gardens are fun for kids as well as adults. They are a great way to get kids interested in gardening and they can be shared by multiple generations. They are a great way to add a little magic to your garden.
What is a Fairy Garden?
A fairy garden is a miniature garden that is designed to look like a garden that is perfectly sized for a fairy. Small items that are the same size as a fairy are used to decorate the garden. You can use miniature furniture, miniature plants, and miniature accessories to make your fairy garden look like a mini version of a real garden.
If you like a more natural look, you can use items like rocks, shells, and twigs to decorate your fairy garden. Many stores now carry miniature furniture and accessories that you can buy to make your fairy garden look pint-sized. You can also make your own miniature items to use in your fairy garden.

You can create a fairy garden in a small corner of your garden or you can make one in any type of container that you want. You can use a flower pot or a bird bath or a wagon. Really any container that you like can be used to make a fairy garden. We have made many of our fairy gardens in plant pots and have put them on the table so that we can enjoy them up close. We have also designated areas of the garden for our kids to plant and decorate as their own little magical fairy garden.
Similar to an idea used in zen gardens, you can use items to represent water in your fairy garden. You can use marbles to look like a pond or you can use sand and shells to represent a beach.

Our Favorite Plants to Use in a Fairy Garden
Playing with scale, texture, and color are important goals to think about when you are making your fairy scene. Some plants have interesting textures and you can use them to represent mini-sized versions of trees and shrubs, all sized for a fairy. Creeping thyme, elfin thyme, baby's tears, scotch moss, and many varieties of sedum are all great plants to use in your fairy garden. These plants can help to tie everything together like rock paths, fairy houses, mini-sized furniture, or any other accessories that you choose to add.
Dwarf or miniature varieties of many plants can work in a fairy garden. You can use dwarf coleus, miniature African violets, and miniature pepper plants to add some vibrant color. Look for dwarf versions of rosemary and lavender to add a nice fragrance to your fairy garden.
Oregano is also a great choice for a fairy garden. It has a nice texture and it smells good. It is also a perennial plant that will come back year after year. Chives are another great choice for a fairy garden. They are easy to grow and they have a nice texture.
Making an herb garden as a fairy garden is a great idea. Everything in the garden is small, easy to care for, and it all smells so good. You can even add little signs to your fairy garden to label the herbs. A mini watering can and some stepping stones would complete the look.
Fairy Gardens are Fun for Adults and for Kids
Fairy gardens have been a big part of getting our kids interested in gardening. Our kids have helped us plant and decorate the garden and then they have helped us take care of it (at least for a little while).

Our kids loved watering the plants in their fairy gardens and they loved seeing the plants grow bigger.

Try Creating a Fairy Garden With Succulent Plants
While the weather outside is too cold for gardening, you can make a little fairy garden in a container and keep it indoors. This way you can garden all year long. Later, when the weather is nice, you can move your fairy garden outside. A succulent garden would work well in this situation since they are easy to care for and they are very hardy.
There are many different succulents that are great for a fairy garden. They come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. You can find varieties that look like little trees or shrubs with flowers.

Some varieties are spiky and other varieties are fuzzy. Some are tall and skinny and others are short and round. You can use them to repeat the shape of other items in your fairy garden. Like using taller succulents to make a tree or a bush to go next to a fairy house. You can line them up and make them look like a little forest. You can use shorter succulents to mirror the round shape of stepping stones. You can use them to make a hedge or to line a walkway. You can plant a lot of little ones together to look like a meadow.
They also come in many different colors. You can find succulents that are green, purple, pink, and red. Succulents are a great choice for a fairy garden because there are so many different varieties and they can add so much texture and color to your design.
There are No Rules for Fairy Gardens
There are no rules for making a fairy garden. (Unless you are the type of person who loves rules, then you get to make up your own rules.)
You can make a fairy garden in a small corner of your garden or in any container that you want. You can use a flower pot or a large planter.
You can use any plants you want. Decide which ones are your favorite and use them in your fairy garden.
You can use real plants or you can use fake plants. The two fairy gardens in the images below are made of faux plants.

By using these plastic plants, my youngest daughter was able to move them around without damaging anything in her fairy garden. Fun was definitely the goal for her.
You can also use any decorations that you want. Small animal figurines like bunnies and birds can be added to your fairy garden. It is cute to see them peeking out from behind the plants.
You can use rocks, bark, or other natural items that you find laying around outside.
You can even use a little bit of magic to make your fairy garden come to life (aka glitter).
If you like crafting, you can make your own accessories out of clay.
You can design your garden around a theme like mermaids at the beach, nymphs in the forest, gnomes having a tea party, a fairy tending a flower garden, or you can make a whole fairy village.

You can make a fairy garden that is a miniature version of a real garden or you can make a fairy garden that is a completely different world, like a magical dream. The possibilities are endless. Sharing your fairy garden with others is fun too. Maybe your friends will want to make their own fairy gardens after seeing yours.